Tuesday, August 7, 2018


// Clem, boasting about going to kindergarten: I'm going to be a [her new mascot] turtle, and Josie's just going to be some kind of fruit [the name of the daycare classroom in which Clem is currently enrolled.]

// Recently Clementine and I were talking about symbols (both girls LOVE spotting FedEx trucks) and I pointed out the Starbucks symbol as an example. Later, Clem was playing coffee shop (taking orders, delivering muffins) and she said, here's my symbol ... my jaw about dropped when I saw what she had set up: a green circle and a figure a la Starbucks.

// Josie, shushing me to not waken Clementine: Kwemmie is WIDE ASLEEP!

// Clem to Josie: Be quiet! You're interrupting my 'magination. I can't 'magine it when you're being so loud.

// Clem: How goes it get day, night, day night?
Me: The Earth is spinning and when we face away from the sun, it's nighttime, and when we spin to face the sun, it's daytime.
Me: It's morning! So which way are we facing?
Clem: We are facing the sun!

// Clementine to Josie after a game of who knows what: It's a tie...so I win.

// Josie, waking up to pee at 4:15 am, said to me groggily, apropos of nothing: Sometimes rainbows like the rain... and sometimes they don't.

// Occasionally Google Photos will create these movies out of nowhere... they are so wonderful but utterly devastating.

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