Monday, July 15, 2013

Favorite New Thing #1


Welcome to the first installment of Favorite New Thing, featuring an item or other innovation that I find pretty cool.

FNT #1: Trader Joe's Fire Roasted Papaya Mango Salsa.  Let's say it costs $2.99.  Maybe $3.99.  Almost doesn't matter because it wouldn't be cheaper to make it myself, especially with the time at the ER for the mango-prepping injury I would surely sustain.

It is a key component to my second six-minute dinner.

Step 1: Thaw tilapia fillets in fridge. (Thanks Costco!)

Step 2: Dry and dredge in flour.  (The flour may be unnecessary).

Step 3: Sear with a little oil in medium-hot pan for three minutes on each side in the awesome All-Clad skillet you were given.  (Thanks, Mom!) Meanwhile, microwave bag of green beans.

Step 4: Place fillet on plate, artfully spoon Papaya Mango Salsa over fish.

Step 5: Arrange green beans on plate, sprinkle with Maldon salt because Maldon salt is just fancier and better than table salt. (Thanks, Ken Bensch!)

The salsa is sweet and quite spicy and is zero points (ah yes, points. If you know about points, you know what's going on at our house.  Fruit -- is --- free ).  It has singlehandedly jump started my We Should Eat More Fish Initiative because now we are actually eating fish.  Thanks, TJs!


1 comment:

  1. That sounds so good and so easy! Since we go to TJs regularly, I will have to check that salsa out. And we--too--are trying to eat more fish. Also, I bought a bag of grapefruits this week because I remembered your boil a grapefruit mandate. Will share how it goes! I'm looking forward to this series!
