Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Weekend

Easter weekend. Starting with Sunday brunch at Cured:

Pretty restaurant; ok food.

Taking their photo together is always:

Knuckle dimples.

"What do you have to do to get a cup of coffee around here?"

Looking for C's. Got one!



Favorite photo to date.

Luke was out of town Friday and Saturday - it was a drizzly and cold (60 degrees) weekend so we stayed inside and put berries on our fingers

looked for C's

and played the piano

Braved the grocery store. NOTE TO GROCERY STORES:  Please have a dedicated two-kid cart corral in the parking lot. I can't lug them inside only to have none available! (I cruised the parking lot until I found one). Here: C's on-command smile and Josie's look of weary resignation.

Checked on our bean plant sans pants.

C insisted on pushing the stroller after yoga = Mommy's one hour break. NAMASTE.

Insisted that Play-Doh was YUCKY by lightly touching to tongue fifteen times then shaking head in disgust.

Whipped up Blender Chocolate Mousse from One Pot (recipe here, minus peppermint extract and candies). So delicious! Broke soft-boiled eggs over asparagus with fingerling potatoes - springtime on a plate. Listened to Happier At Home and caught up some New Yorkers and culled a big bag of clothes for the Goodwill and watched the latest Nashville - how can one show have so much happen yet nothing at all?

We are looking forward to a lot of travel and time with friends and family -- hope you have a wonderful new season!

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